There is something that is unique about Audrain county. There is something that is also just like every other country in the southern belt. Audrian county these days is a flourishing community that boasts a rich population of diverse citizens. It’s a great place to race a family and be in the presence of good family morals. However, that doesn’t mean Audrian county has always been the perfect county. To take a closer look at their imperfections we must see where they have come from.

In 1836 when the county was just being founded those that came here came from elsewhere in the south. They sat down and established this community because of it’s easy access to the water source of the river. This wasn’t an uncommon practice in those days. As a people there is nothing more important to the vitality of the community than having a plentiful water source. Settling down by the river was a natural progression and made the most sense.

They also brought with them something else: slaves. To be completely fair, this was never anything that was considered a problem until the late 1850′s and once the decision came out to end slavery those in power were more than compliant. However, the importance of bringing it up is the history lesson and a reminder of how things were back then. There was a time when you had to look at slaves as part of your own work force. These days having slaves out in the fields to tend to crops wouldn’t be possible or even desirable but back when those who were founding Audrain county they had to do what was best for growing their crop and they needed workers. Slaves weren’t a desirable part of any work force(being that it was inhumane) but they were the way of things back in those days.